October 2023 is upon us, and at South Perth Learning Centre, we are hosting a variety of social club activities in Term 4 2023 which runs through to early December. Come and join us! Click the 'info' links for more information:

Cryptic Crosswords
Share the satisfaction of solving cryptic crosswords together in a group––the more the merrier!

Mondays 1 - 3pm, 8 weeks starting 16 October $55 [info]
Fridays 9:30 - 11:30am, 8 weeks starting 20 October $55 [info]

SPLC is the venue for the WA state mahjong tournament; we love our mahjong! We have games running on Friday afternoon and Saturday morning. Don't know how to play? We've got you covered. Mahjong lessons for beginners are held on Wednesday afternoons.

Fridays 2 - 4pm, 8 weeks starting 20 October $60 [info]
Saturdays 9:30 am - 12:00 pm, drop in all year at $7/session [info]
Wednesdays (includes teacher): 3 - 5pm, 8 weeks starting 18 October $120 [info]

Crafters Club
Bring your knitting/crochet/etc. project to the room, and gather around for a soothing working session dipped in coffee and tea.

Fridays 1 - 3pm, 8 weeks starting 20 October $20 [info]

Current Affairs Forum
In this club we don't just discuss current affairs, but also history, science and music. Each week, one or two topics are presented by designated members, then discussed around the room.

Mondays 2:15 - 3:45pm, starting 16 October $60 [info]

Widow & Widowers Support Group
A weekly get together to support each other navigating throguh similar experience.

Fridays 3:15 - 5:15pm, starting 20 October $20 [info]

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